Data Protection & Digitalization

Business growth and legal risk management

We are known for efficient and effective solutions to minimize legal compliance risks inherent to the processing and use of personal data, digital transformation and initiatives.

You benefit from our strong expertise.

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Your expert

With an experienced data protection team.

Urs Maurer-Lambrou

LLM., Attorney at Law

Urs Maurer-Lambrou has over 30 years of experience as data protection expert. He is editor and author of the Swiss data protection commentary and acts as the Official Swiss FDPIC delegate for international affairs.

Urs provides expert advice to private companies, investors, and regulatory authorities on a wide range of data protection, cybersecurity and technology matters. He advises clients on large data protection compliance programs and supports them in digitally transforming their core business. In addition, he acts as member of board directors for clients in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany and Estonia.

His work covers a variety of industries including banking and insurance (FinTech), media and entertainment, IT and technology (analytics, AI, cloud services), healthcare, life sciences, transportation, telecommunication and energy / utilities.

Due to his extensive international experience, Urs has established a strong global network.

The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Our offering

Digital transformation and a fast-growing regulatory environment have made legal compliance with data protection and related information and communication technology (ICT) laws an extremely complex challenge.

We offer a comprehensive range of services with a focus on data protection and digital transformation as well as ICT.

With our experience and expertise, we are a trusted partner for your national and international companies and organizations.

We rely on a unique set of tools to ease your compliance journey as well as tested analytical concepts to assess your legal compliance.

Today, legal compliance with data protection and ICT laws are truly must-haves to remain competitive in all industries.

Explore our services

Our experts have a long history in advising clients with regard to business activities involving personal data, digital transformation as well as ICT initiatives.

Our experts operate as trusted legal advisors and management consultants for a range of clients in the private and public sector.

Our services
  • Legal advice
  • Board of director service
  • Compliance assessments (Gap-Assessments)
  • Support with data protection audits
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Data protection implementation
  • Support for business development
  • LegalTech solutions
  • Policy consulting & research
  • Platform economy / Business Models

We help you to comply with applicable laws and regulations in a business-as-usual way.

Our service packages

Our subject-based and standardized service packages are designed to meet your needs and provide you with the comfort of expert advice as well as tested tools. Our service packages help you to grow and protect your business.

Package 1: Data Protection Check-up & Implementation
  • Revised Swiss Data Protection Act (nDSG)
  • European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Our standardized and modular Compliance-Package enables you to implement those laws tailor-made and efficient.

Package 3: Your external subject matter expert
  • Support and advice to the management board or to the business concerning data protection topics
  • Support and advice to the data protection officer (sparring-partner)

Our experts may also act as permanent external subject matter experts on demand. In that role they provide support i.a. with Vendor Due Diligence, negotiation of data processing agreements, risk assessments in the event of data breaches as well as data protection impact assessments.

Package 2: Mergers & Acquisitions 
  • Data protection due diligence (nDSG)
  • Data protection due diligence (GDPR)

We help you to avoid legal risks related to data protection regulations when undertaking mergers or acquisitions, which may result in financial depreciation or fines / sanctions.

Package 4: Data Protection Gap-Assessment (Legal Viability)
  • Workshop
  • Structured analysis and report

Our experts assist you with a data protection assessment of an issue or project. You obtain a report with recommendations aimed at data protection compliance.




Referat an der UFL Private Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein von Urs Maurer-Lambrou

30. November 2021 Ich habe mich sehr gefreut, dass ich letzte Woche ein Referat zum Thema "Datenschutz - Auswirkungen auf die Praxis in der Schweiz bezüglich internationaler Entwicklungen (insbesondere CH-Schrems 2-Auswirkungen, EU-SCC mit CH-Anpassungen, US Cloud-Act)" halten durfte. Herzlichen Dank den Veranstaltern. 30 November 2021 I was very pleased to be able to give a presentation on "Data protection - impact on practice in Switzerland with regard to international developments (in...

Referat am Institut für Supply Chain Management der Universität St. Gallen HSG von Urs Maurer-Lambrou

10. November 2021 Ich habe mich sehr gefreut, dass ich heute ein Referat zum Thema Datenschutz halten durfte. Herzlichen Dank den Veranstaltern und auch den Studierenden für die rege Teilnahme.10 November 2021 I was very pleased to be able to give a lecture on data protection today at the Institute for Supply Chain Management at the University of St. Gallen HSG. Many thanks to the organizers and also to the students for their active participation.

Switzerland foresees risks in potential US Cloud Act executive agreement for its data adequacy

Urs Maurer-Lambrou of Maurer Law Offices reports from Switzerland on the opinion of the Federal Office of Justice on the US Cloud Act: The Swiss Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) in the Federal Department of Justice and Police published a report on the US Cloud Act on 17 September 2021. The 51-page report focuses mainly on the public sector and the area of mutual legal assistance. In addition, there are interesting investigations into the legal nature of the US Cloud Act and its compatibility...

Urs Maurer-Lambrou: Schweiz: Gutachten des Bundesamts für Justiz zum US-Cloud Act

ZD-Aktuell 2021, 05471, C.H. Beck, München – 5. Oktober 2021 Das schweizerische Bundesamt für Justiz (BJ) im Eidgenössischen Justiz- und Polizeidepartement hat am 17.9.2021 einen Bericht zum US-Cloud Act veröffentlicht. Der 51-seitige Bericht fokusiert sich materiell auf den öffentlichen Bereich und dort auf den Rechtshilfebereich. Daneben finden sich interessante Untersuchungen zur Rechtsnatur des US-Cloud Acts und der Vereinbarkeit mit europäischem und schweizerischem Recht aus Sicht des...

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Climbing rope: photo by Brook Anderson on Unsplash

Mountain range: photo by Rohit Tandon on Unsplash

Man climbing: photo by Jef Willemyns on Unsplash

Alpinists: photo by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash