Data Protection & Digitalization

Business growth and legal risk management

We are known for efficient and effective solutions to minimize legal compliance risks inherent to the processing and use of personal data, digital transformation and initiatives.

You benefit from our strong legal expertise.

Data Protection Notice


 The Privacy Statement describes how WLO Consulting & Services (“WLO”) handles data protection on their websites (“WLO Websites”). By accessing or using the WLO websites, you declare that you agree to the following conditions. The privacy statement is based on the processing of personal data (e.g. name, date of birth, e-mail address, address, etc.) associated with an identifiable or specific person (“personal data”) according to the Swiss Data Protection Act.


If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please refrain from accessing or using the WLO websites or the services.


WLO reserves the right to change the privacy statement from time to time, at its own discretion and without individual notification. Any changes to the privacy statement will be published on the homepage. Material changes to the provisions of the Privacy Statement will be announced on the homepage 30 (thirty) days before they come into force. Every use of the WLO websites is subject to the latest version of the privacy statement.


Table of Contents

  1. Obtaining personal data
  2. Processing of personal data
  3. Protection of personal information
  4. Left
  5. Contact the Privacy Officer


  1. Obtaining personal data

WLO can obtain the following data from users of the WLO websites.

Contact / emails

WLO can edit your name and / or email address and information that you send us. Your email address can be used to send you information about WLO or newsletters. If you do not give us your express consent to other data processing, the data will only be used for the aforementioned purposes.


  1. Processing of personal data

WLO will not sell, disclose or otherwise disclose your personal data without your consent. However, it is possible that the personal data is occasionally passed on to third parties who act for or on behalf of WLO or process data for us in accordance with the original purpose of the collection. If this personal data is disclosed to third parties, we will oblige them that the processing is carried out in accordance with and within the framework for the purpose specified in the procurement.

In the event of a change in the initial situation, which would result in different processing, WLO will not do this without the express and written (e-mail) consent of the user. WLO will ask for your prior consent for all changes that affect the privacy of the user.


Corrections, updates / opt-out

If your personal data (e.g. your address) change or if WLO has incorrect data, we will endeavor to correct or update it. The WLO websites give users the option of having their personal data removed from our external database so that they no longer receive any messages. If you want to correct something, update something or opt-out, please send an email.

For this purpose, enter your personal data (e.g. e-mail or postal address) correctly. Inaccurate information can lead to delays or failure of your request. Please note that if the information is inaccurate, WLO cannot guarantee that this data will be processed according to your wishes.


Sending information through WLO

Normally, the users of the WLO websites who send us an e-mail contact us in other ways or sign up for newsletters can expect to be contacted by WLO by post or by e-mail. Unless you expressly request this, we will not contact you for any other purpose.


Archiving and destruction of data

The processed data is archived at regular intervals. Archived data can be destroyed at any time without prior notification. WLO reserves the unrestricted right to destroy processed data at any time and without prior notice.


Disclosure of data by law, to courts or authorities

If we are legally obliged to disclose data, we can disclose the relevant data to you without your prior consent or prior notification.


  1. Protection of personal information

The WLO websites have security devices that prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of data that we have. After they have reached us, personal data is stored on a protected server behind a firewall. The firewall prevents unauthorized third parties from gaining access to protected data. Backup copies of the stored data are regularly made.


At WLO, only selected persons and contractual partners have access to this data after identification.


The security regulations are checked every 6 (six) months to ensure their accuracy and to take account of any changes to the WLO websites.


Please note that the World Wide Web is a publicly accessible system. Any disclosure of information is at your own risk. Your data can, for example, be lost en route or be viewed by unauthorized third parties.


  1. Left

The WLO websites may contain links to other websites. Please note that if you click on these links you will be switching to a different website and visiting another website. We recommend that you read the privacy statements of the linked websites as well, because they may differ from our privacy statements.


  1. Contact the Privacy Officer

If you have any questions about the privacy statement, the handling of or dealing with WLO websites, you can contact us at the following address: WLO, zH Privacy Officer (send email under Contacts).





In these terms of use, WLO Consulting & Services, Switzerland, are consistently referred to as “WLO” and their websites as “WLO websites”.


Table of Contents

  1. Acknowledgment of the terms of use
  2. Violation of these terms of use
  3. General restrictions
  4. Changes to the services / content
  5. No commercial use of the services / content
  6. Intellectual property rights
  7. Data protection
  8. Disclaimer of Warranties
  9. Exemption
  10. Limitations of Liability
  11. Usage Policy
  12. Uploads
  13. Left
  14. User Warranties
  15. Miscellaneous
  16. Choice of law and place of jurisdiction


  1. Acknowledgment of the terms of use

Access to and use of the WLO websites and all sites and services therefrom are subject to the following terms and conditions, regulations and applicable laws. Make use of certain services that are offered on the WLO websites

You and WLO are also subject to the guidelines or rules published there. Each of these guidelines and rules hereby become part of these Terms of Use. All information, documents, products, trademarks, offers and other documents, including every software and every link (hereinafter “content”), which are available on the WLO websites, are subject to these terms of use.

By accessing and using the WLO websites, you acknowledge these terms of use (including the WLO Privacy Statement unreservedly and unconditionally and declare that any other agreement between you and WLO regarding the use of the WLO websites is hereby replaced and has no legal force or effect. WLO reserves the right to change these terms of use at any time. Such changes become effective immediately after the changed terms of use are published on the WLO websites. Each of these changes is binding on you, you should therefore visit this page regularly to see the current terms of use Continued access and use of the WLO websites after such changes are considered an implied acceptance of the modified terms of use.


  1. Violation of these terms of use

The permission to use the services / content expires automatically if the terms of use are violated. In this case you must destroy all copies of the content immediately, regardless of whether they were created in a file, as a document or otherwise. Should WLO come to the opinion at its own discretion that you have violated these terms of use, WLO can, in addition to the existing legal claims and remedies, also draw your attention to your misconduct, delete or remove all messages or content that you have delivered or sent, inform the relevant law enforcement authorities of all countries and / or take any further action that WLO considers appropriate.


  1. General restrictions

If the jurisdiction to which you are subject prohibits compliance with these Terms of Use (in particular the provisions relating to the choice of law and place of jurisdiction, the indemnity, the disclaimer of warranty, the limitation of liability and the privacy statement in part or in full or regards access to the WLO websites as unlawful, you are not authorized to use the WLO websites and you are solely and fully responsible if you do access the WLO websites.


  1. Changes to the services / content

WLO reserves the right to change or temporarily or permanently discontinue the services / content at any time and without prior notice. WLO is not liable for changes, interruptions and temporary exclusions

the services / content.


  1. No commercial use of the services / content

The services / content, use of services / content, access to services / content or parts thereof may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold or exploited for commercial purposes.


  1. Intellectual property rights

The copyrights of the contents of the WLO website belong to WLO or its licensors. However, WLO does not own all trademarks that are mentioned in the content of the WLO websites.

You may access the WLO websites and download content from these sites, including text, images, audio and video, for non-commercial purposes, unless the service in question mentions any further restrictions. The content may not be distributed, modified, transmitted, reused, reformatted or used for private or commercial purposes without the prior written consent of WLO Consulting & Services.

Any copyright or proprietary right found in the downloaded content must be preserved and reproduced. Unless otherwise stated, everything you see or read on the WLO websites is protected by copyright and may only be used in accordance with the terms of use or the wording of the WLO websites without the prior written consent of WLO. For any other type of use you need WLO approval. WLO cannot guarantee that the use of the content on the WLO websites does not infringe the rights of third parties.

With the exception of the permissions mentioned, no licenses or rights to the content or copyright can be granted or transferred to the users by WLO or any other person.

The WLO websites may contain trademarks, patents, proprietary information, technologies, products, procedures, or other proprietary rights of WLO and / or third parties. No license can be granted or transferred to you in respect of these trademarks, patents, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes and other proprietary rights.


  1. Data protection

WLO respects personal rights, which is why data protection is a top priority at WLO. Your data is strictly confidential. For more details, please consult the privacy statement, which is part of the terms of use.


  1. Disclaimer of Warranties

You acknowledge and agree that WLO does not provide specific legal opinions, nor does it recommend or endorse the purchase or selection of products or services.

WLO would like to provide you with information to improve your understanding of the law and to make it clear to you in which area we are active. These services serve the general understanding and the information of our customers. They are not a substitute for professional legal advice. Such legal advice is not offered on the WLO websites. We recommend that you consult a qualified specialist for legal questions.

WLO makes every effort to ensure that the content is accurate and current. Technical inaccuracies and typographical errors can occur. WLO reserves the right to make changes and / or corrections without prior notice.

WLO makes no representations, representations or comments of any kind, implied or express, in relation to the WLO websites or in relation to any information, products, services or other material that is found on the WLO websites. WLO assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the content. CONTENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS”. WLO MAKES ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN FULL AND WITHOUT LIMITATION, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WLO DOES NOT WARRANT THE CURRENCY, VALIDITY, COMPLETENESS, OR ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED TO YOU FOR ANY REASON.

WLO can neither guarantee nor guarantee that the files available for download on the WLO websites are free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other data which may have contaminating or destructive properties. Please note that it is your sole responsibility to put in place the necessary precautions, procedures and controls to ensure the security of data traffic and to provide means outside the WLO website to be able to recover lost data. WLO is not responsible for any loss of information, data or other material caused by the use of the WLO websites. The functions of these sites or the materials contained therein are in no way guaranteed to be uninterrupted, punctual, secure or error-free.


  1. Exemption

You release WLO, its owners, lawyers, legal advisors, employees, agents, information providers, shareholders, advertisers and service providers from damage, losses, liabilities, lawsuits, claims, processes (court or administrative proceedings), judgments, costs and expenses (including legal fees which arise from lawsuits from third parties connected to the WLO websites).


  1. Limitations of Liability




  1. Usage Policy

You are prohibited from submitting or transmitting illegal, threatening, defamatory, defamatory, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, pornographic or blasphemous data or messages or appeals for donations, collections of signatures, chain letters, letters that are based on a pyramid system, advertising or material that constitutes a criminal offense, incurs civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable law or regulation. If we are asked or requested, WLO can reveal the identity of persons distributing such material and cooperate with any competent authority.

Should WLO come to the opinion that you have violated these terms of use, we can take corrective measures at any time, deny the user access to the WLO websites and remove information, data and content of the user from the WLO websites without prior notification. WLO assumes no liability in the event of violations.

You agree to hold WLO free from all claims, damages, liabilities, lawsuits, legal disputes, lawsuits (judicial and administrative proceedings) and expenses arising from the use of discussions, chats, broadcasts, transmissions, announcements and the like on the WLO websites existing or caused by your misconduct. Such claims include, but are not limited to, claims relating to trademarks, service names, trademarks, copyrights, patent infringement, trademark weakening, unauthorized impairment of contractual or prospective business relationships, defamation or damage to reputation, distortion or breach of warranties or other business impairments.


  1. Uploads

Communications and material, including data, questions, comments and suggestions, which you submit to the WLO websites by e-mail or in any other way, will only be treated confidentially if WLO expressly agrees. Exceptions can be found in the privacy statement. Everything that you transmit or send to us becomes the property of WLO or can be used for our purposes, including reproduction, publication, transmission, publication, distribution and broadcasting. Ideas, concepts, expertise, technical content and other communications that you send to the WLO websites can be freely, including but not limited to, used by WLO for the development, manufacture, and marketing of products.


  1. Left

The links of third parties that are on the WLO websites are not checked by WLO, so we do not assume any liability for their content. You can create links to the WLO websites, provided that the content is not displayed within a frame. WLO can prohibit you from setting links without further justification. In this case you are obliged to delete the links within two days of being notified by WLO.

WLO assumes no liability for links that lead from the WLO websites to other websites. In particular, WLO is not responsible for the correctness and legality of their content. WLO assumes no liability if the privacy statement and / or the terms of use of a third party are violated or ignored.


  1. User Warranties

You confirm and assure that you are at least 18 (eighteen) years old, that you are able to act and have the ability to enter into this contract and to use the WLO websites in accordance with the terms of use.


  1. Miscellaneous

If WLO fails to insist on implementing the terms of use or to enforce them, this cannot be interpreted to mean that WLO waives these terms and rights.

Any ineffective or invalid parts of these provisions are to be replaced in accordance with the spirit and purpose of these conditions of use, without these becoming void themselves.

The terms of use represent the contract between you and WLO in connection with the topics dealt with. Any other agreement between you and WLO regarding the use of the WLO websites is hereby replaced and has no effect or legal force.

Except in the way provided by the terms of use, the terms may not be changed in whole or in part. Contradicting or conflicting contents of the WLO websites are repealed by these terms of use.


  1. Choice of law and place of jurisdiction

By accessing and using the services on the WLO websites, you and WLO agree that any legal matters and / or disputes that arise from accessing and using the WLO websites are subject exclusively to Swiss law, regardless of the provisions of international private law. For any disputes resulting from these terms of use (including but not limited to the statement, the place of jurisdiction is Zug, Switzerland. You waive any objection to this jurisdiction.


The Privacy Statement and Terms of Use were updated on 1 February 2021.


© 2000-2021 WLO Consulting & Services| All rights reserved.


Data Protection Notice